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The Funding Dilemma: Does Bigger Always Mean Better in Life Sciences?
The Funding Dilemma: Does Bigger Always Mean Better in Life Sciences?
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
The question of funding size success has become increasingly relevant. Is the amount of funding always the key to breakthrough discoveries? Katie Davis explores the impact of funding size on research, development, and commercialization in the life science industry.
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Why you should join a Genomics Startup
Why you should join a Genomics Startup
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
Young firms across the world are creating almost half of new jobs and – having watched the monumental success of early stage ventures, more and more of us are being drawn by the unique opportunities that working at a startup presents. So what is it that attracts people to work for a startup?
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Should You Ever Accept a Counteroffer?
Should You Ever Accept a Counteroffer?
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
50% of employees receive a counteroffer when they resign. For your employer, it’s undoubtedly a costly process to recruit your replacement and it is only natural they would try to keep you. But should you ever accept and can your underlying issues be resolved?
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Biotech Funding Rounds and Key Findings for June
Biotech Funding Rounds and Key Findings for June
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Biopharma, Life Science & Diagnostics
In this blog, we explore the latest updates throughout the month of June. You can subscribe to Katies biotech funding updates over on LinkedIn to keep up to date with the ever-growing biotech market.
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CASE STUDY: Building a Direct Sales Team for Benelux Operations
CASE STUDY: Building a Direct Sales Team for Benelux Operations
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Case Studies, Life Science & Diagnostics
A renowned Swiss manufacturing company faced a critical challenge in building a new team for its Benelux operations. We initiated an in-depth recruitment process, conducting numerous interviews to ensure candidates possessed the required technical skills & aligned culturally with their vision.
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