For startups, developing a high-performing executive team is vital. But, when it comes to finding that right candidate, are you looking for experience or cultural fit? Or are you struggling to find that balance of both? Finding that right balance between both aspects can be a difficult task. In this blog, Director of our Life Science team Andrew Maddison walks you through the importance of balancing, and how to do so successfully.



Hiring for experience

As a life science recruitment company, we understand that candidates with a proven track record of experience in the market and the right technical skills can immediately elevate your team. They are more likely to ‘hit the ground running’, need less industry-training, and are valuable in terms of growing your startup and establishing yourself in the market.


Cultural fit

Cultural fit refers to how well a candidate’s values, behaviours and attitudes align with your organisation. Hiring somebody who aligns with your company can improve team dynamics, improving team collaboration, increase employee engagement and satisfaction, and lower turnover rates. However, one without the other can lead to another set of challenges.


ceo in a meeting


Balance is key

Finding the right balance between experience and cultural fit means you can create a team that is both capable and adaptable, and ultimately benefit your hiring strategy. So, where do you start?

Define your values

Before you begin the hiring process, take time to think about your company’s core values and culture. What qualities are important to you? What kind of work environment do you want to maintain? Use the insights to gather your ideal hire.

Interview stage

Don’t use interviews to assess only experience, use the time to gauge cultural fit. Ask your candidates about their experience dealing with challenges, teamwork or situations that align with your company’s values. This can give you insights into how they’ll interact with your team.

Look for adaptability

Consider those who have shown ability to learn quickly and adapt to new challenges. This can open a broader pool of potential hires who can grow into their roles while bringing a fresh perspective.

Involve your team

During the interview process, integrate the candidates with your team to see how well the team get on. Get feedback from your team and the candidate and use all feedback when decision making.


Hiring for experience or cultural fit doesn’t have to be an either/or decision. By finding the right balance, you can build a team that is both highly technical and aligned with your company’s culture. This balance means that your organization is not only capable of meeting the challenges of today but also positioned for sustainable growth in the future.

In a competitive job market, the companies that strike this balance are the ones that attract top talent, promote innovation, and ultimately achieve long-term success.



If you’re a life science startup looking for talent, or you’d like to learn more about our recruitment services, submit your vacancy and a recruitment consultant that specialises in your field will be in touch shortly.