Are companies willing to reduce travel for sales and field-based employees?
Are companies willing to reduce travel for sales and field-based employees?
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
For sales, field service and field application employees, travel restrictions have given an insight into a new way of working. As a result, we are seeing an increasing trend of people looking for a better balance, but is this something companies are willing to offer?
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What life science companies should consider for a US expansion
What life science companies should consider for a US expansion
by James Chippindale
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
Are you a life science company looking to expand into the US? To find out more about what you should consider, we interviewed Joanne Farquharson, President & Chief Executive Officer at Foothold America, a company that helps businesses around the world to expand into the US market.
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Attracting and Retaining Talent during the Turnover Tsunami
Attracting and Retaining Talent during the Turnover Tsunami
by Team Invenia Biopharma
Posted in Biopharma, Life Science & Diagnostics, MedTech & Devices
In the US, we are beginning to see the start of the predicted ‘turnover tsunami’ and it might not be long until we see something similar across Europe and the UK. But why is this happening and what can employers do to not only retain existing employees but to also attract those individuals looking for a change of career?
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How to Manage Impostor Syndrome
How to Manage Impostor Syndrome
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Biopharma, HealthTech, Life Science & Diagnostics, MedTech & Devices
Have you ever felt like you are out of your depth or can’t do the job you’ve been hired to do? Do you worry you will be discovered at any point as a ‘fraud’? You may be suffering from impostor syndrome: a phenomenon where an individual doubts their skills, talents, abilities, and accomplishments in the face of obvious success.
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Interview with Céline Crochet | Services Manager | Thermo Fisher Scientific
Interview with Céline Crochet | Services Manager | Thermo Fisher Scientific
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
As part of our ‘Female Leaders: Inspiring Together’ series, we interviewed Céline Crochet – Services Manager at Thermo Fisher Scientific – who told us the achievements she is proud of as a manager and how she manages to balance her career with being a single mum.
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Interview with Irit Paz | Senior Business Development Manager | Takara Bio Europe
Interview with Irit Paz | Senior Business Development Manager | Takara Bio Europe
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Life Science & Diagnostics
As part of our ‘Female Leaders: Inspiring Together’ series, we interviewed Irit Paz – Senior Business Development Manager for Takara Bio Europe – about why she decided to go into a sales role and how she feels flexible hours can help women progress into management and leadership positions.
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