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Generative AI in Healthcare: Trending Technologies
Generative AI in Healthcare: Trending Technologies
by Team Invenia MedTech
Posted in HealthTech, MedTech & Devices
Generative AI is transforming every facet of our economy. The timing couldn’t be better for the healthcare space which is in dire need of innovation, efficiency and affordability solutions.
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The Advantages of Executive Search
The Advantages of Executive Search
by Team Invenia MedTech
Posted in Biopharma, HealthTech, Life Science & Diagnostics, MedTech & Devices
As the leader of a business, you hold the reins of your organization’s destiny, and the quest for top talent is paramount. While internal talent acquisition teams can get you so far, consider the broader, strategic advantage that utilizing an external search partner for the most critical hires can provide.
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Talent Attraction and Retention
Talent Attraction and Retention
by Team Invenia MedTech
Posted in Biopharma, HealthTech, Life Science & Diagnostics, MedTech & Devices
In the dynamic, fast-paced world of Medtech, talent scarcity remains a persistent challenge. Leaders must grapple with identifying, attracting and retaining the very best in a highly competitive market. Those that have knowledge, have relationships but above all - have raw talent. 
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90-Second Elevator Pitch – Marc Ogilvie
90-Second Elevator Pitch – Marc Ogilvie
by Team Invenia HealthTech
Posted in HealthTech
It's about time we reminded you all which industries we specialize in... so how better to do this than to get our talented consultants to explain in our 90-second Elevator Pitch series! In this interview, we spoke to Marc Ogilvie, Principal Consultant in the digital health industry.
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Meet the team – Chris Pickles, Director
Meet the team – Chris Pickles, Director
by Chris Pickles
Posted in Biopharma, HealthTech, Life Science & Diagnostics, MedTech & Devices
Get to know the people behind the profiles in our ‘Meet the team’ series. Chris Pickles joined Invenia Group as Director two years ago and supports the growth and development of the business across all areas, from culture and hiring to business development and driving revenue.
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How to Manage Impostor Syndrome
How to Manage Impostor Syndrome
by Team Invenia Life Sciences
Posted in Biopharma, HealthTech, Life Science & Diagnostics, MedTech & Devices
Have you ever felt like you are out of your depth or can’t do the job you’ve been hired to do? Do you worry you will be discovered at any point as a ‘fraud’? You may be suffering from impostor syndrome: a phenomenon where an individual doubts their skills, talents, abilities, and accomplishments in the face of obvious success.
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